
Prospective TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono promised to ensure that no TNI personnel take disgraceful actions and arrogant actions to hurt the people.

"If later I get the trust to become the TNI Commander, then I will mobilize my power and efforts so that no TNI personnel act dishonorably and arrogantly that harm the people," Yudo said during the Prosperity and Prosperity Test of the TNI Commander Candidate at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Friday 2 December.

He said the TNI as a people's army must be humane, respected, not feared, friendly, polite, and simple.

Yudo emphasized that TNI soldiers must be simple and always be present to overcome the difficulties of the people.

According to him, the country is currently finalizing the COVID-19 pandemic and the national economic recovery (PEN) amid the dynamics of the global economy.

"It is necessary to participate in components throughout the nation, the TNI is always present and ready to carry out state duties according to the authority and trust given," he said.

Sebelumnya, dalam Uji Keberayaan dan Kepatutan Calon Panglima TNI, Laksamana Yudo Margono memaparkan visinnya mewujudkan institusi TNI sebagai Patriot Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) dengan memperkutuh tiga matra dalam menjaga kedaulatan negara.

He admitted that he would continue the development of the TNI to create a strong TNI so that it would make the Indonesian people and nation dignified in the eyes of the world.

"By making the TNI a patriot of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the extension of TNI soldiers from the tri dimensions who are professional, modern, and strong for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia," said Yudo.

He explained that the vision was the strength of the TNI as the main defense component consisting of a solid, solid, and loyal tri-matrix combination to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Yudo hopes that the professional TNI soldiers are equipped with the main tool of a modern weapon system (alutsista) so that the TNI is the main strength of strong national defense to face all threats.

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