
JAKARTA - Witness Agus Saripul Hidayat who is a member of the special team (timsus) of the National Police said that some of the evidence was lacking when referring to the scenario of the death of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J due to a shootout.

The testimony began when Agus said that the incident of Brigadier J's death was only known on July 11. Then, received orders to go down to investigate the cause.

"First, on the 8th, we didn't know that there was an incident, we only found out (on date, red) 11 nights we were conducting a review. On the 12th, the team and Irsus ordered to carry out activities," Agus said during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, December 1.

"So what?" asked the prosecutor.

"From this incident which was crowded on the 11th. There was an incident in Jambi, there was a rejection from the family of the corpse brought by Hendra Kurniawan to be opened," said Agus.

Then, Agus said that on July 12, he and his team were tasked with investigating the crime scene (TKP). At that time, irregularities were found.

One of them, the evidence is not appropriate with the story of the shootout. So, the scenario made by Ferdy Sambo was not perfect.

"We and the team jointly came to the crime scene at night. There were found some evidence that was indeed lacking, such as bullet projectiles, gunshot directions, because at that time we processed the TKP with the Forensic Laboratory," said Agus.

Then, there is also the matter of CCTV at the scene, including the Ferdy Sambo stop house which is said to be damaged. However, when traced it turned out that the surveillance camera was still functioning.

"Next from the reports, there were some who stated that CCTV in the house was damaged, then behind us until that night we checked CCTV at the security post. There was no damage," he said.

So, his team immediately examined all parties around the scene.

"That's why we are examining people who are at the crime scene without or should not be at the crime scene," said Agus.

Agus Saripul Hidayat is one of six witnesses presented by the Public Prosecutor in obstructing the investigation into the premeditated murder case of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J with the defendants Hendra Kurniawan and Agus Nurpatra.

In this case, Hendra Kurniawan and Agus Nurpatra were jointly charged with securing evidence in the form of CCTV from the Police Complex security post, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

Thus, they are suspected of violating Article 49 in conjunction with Article 33 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code

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