
JAKARTA - Former Karo Paminal of the National Police's Propam Division, Hendra Kurniawan, through his lawyer, Henry Yosodiningrat, confirmed that the National Police's Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Komjen Agus Andrianto, had been questioned about the alleged bribery of illegal mines in East Kalimantan. According to him, all the results of the examination have been contained in the report on the results of the investigation (LHP). It has even been reported to Ferdy Sambo as the Head of the Propam Division at that time. "Indeed there is (news of the Kabareskrim interrogation event, ed)," Henry told reporters, Thursday, December 1. In addition, the LHP has also been reported to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Reportedly the alleged receipt of money by National Police officials was stated in the LHP of the Propam Division with number R/1253/WAS.2.4/2022/IV/DIVPROPAM, April 7, 2022. "Obviously, Hendra and Sambo said that there was indeed an investigation," he said. Therefore, Henry asked the National Police to immediately reveal the growing allegations. Thus, the allegation will not only become a wild issue. Then, Ismail Bolong, who is referred to as the key to proof, must be protected. The goal is that there is no intervention from any party. “Karena kewajiban Kapolri harus melindungi Ismail Bolong. Nah sekarang Ismail Bolongnya harus dilindungi jangan ditekan, jangan suruh lari, jangan diilangin,” kata Henry. On a separate occasion, Hendra Kurniawan seemed reluctant to accept the alleged receipt of bribes from several high-ranking police officers. Because, after the trial he was reluctant to comment anything. For information, several police officers were dragged into the issue of accepting illegal mining bribes in East Kalimantan, one of which was Kabareskrim Agus Andrianto. Based on the LHP submitted by the Head of the Police Propam Division, at that time Ferdy Sambo was handed over to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, it was written that Aiptu Ismail Bolong gave coordination money to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, which was handed over to Kombes BH as Head of Sub-Directorate V Dittipidter 3 times, namely October, November and December 2021 amounting to IDR 3 billion every month to be distributed at the Dittipidter Bareskrim. In addition, he also gave coordination money to Komjen Agus Andrianto as the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police directly in the Kabareskrim office in USD 3 times, namely October, November and December 2021, amounting to IDR 2 billion.

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