
YOGYAKARTA Joget parliament, which is usually carried out by teenagers, is now being discussed. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Jember Regency issued a fatwa dancing pargoy haram.

The haram dance party fatwa is listed in the Tausiah of the MUI Fatwa Commission in Jember Regency Number 02/MUI-Jbr/XI/2022 concerning Joget 'Pargoy' in Jember Regency.

"Joget's law of 'Pargoy' is HARAM because it contains erotic movements, shows aurat and gives rise to the opposite sex' lust," reads the fatwa dancing pargoy haram as quoted from the official MUI Jember website, Thursday, December 1, 2022.

So, what is the reason why the Jember MUI forbids the akrap dance party for Generation Z?

In its release, the Jember MUI assesses that the wobbling of the pargoy is often done by young women who are dressed in sexy clothes and open their aurats. It is feared that this could lead to lust from the opposite sex.

Not only that, but the Jember MUI also considers the dance party to have tarnished the values of decency, morals and customs, especially those in Jember Regency.

In this regard, MUI urges religious leaders in Jember to guide and direct the community to various positive and moral activities.

Religious and community leaders in Jember are also asked to guide and direct the community to various positive and moral activities.

"We urge religious and community leaders to guide and direct the community to positive and carimah activities," said MUI Jember.

Furthermore, MUI invites the public to maintain Jember Regency as a religious district.

"Administering Muslims from Jember Regency to maintain Jember Regency as a religious Regency," said MUI.

Getting to Know the Goy Goyang According to the Fatwa Haram MUI Jember

Just so you know, the shake of the pargoy is a type of seesaw that has gone viral on social media network applications and the short video platform TikTok. This platform often gives rise to shakes with the backsound of remixed songs.

Quoted from CNN Indonesia, the name pargoy is thought to be an extension of the swiddy party'. Reportedly, teenagers in the Sumatra region are said to be familiar with this type of seesaw.

After going viral on TikTok, the dance of the pargoy is often done by young people at various events, such as music concerts, celebrations with single organs, or any event that uses disc jockey-style remix music.

The shaking is actually not a patent. Teenagers who shake the pargoy simply move to enjoy and follow the rhythm of the remix performed.

However, a number of movements usually appear and become a trend, such as a sawsaw in the style of Dewi Persik, back and forth hip dances, and seesaws in the style of the Inul Daratista sworddut.

Initially, the pargoy seesaw only circulated from the village to kemapung, from the community to the remix music connoisseur community.

However, thanks to TikTok, Joget pargoy has become popular and is mostly done by young people.

Not a few TikTok users use this wobble while accompanied by a remix Musix provided by the platform.

That's information about illegal pargoy wobbling. To get news up to date, keep looking at

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