
Head of Central Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Saudi Salamun suffered head injuries while securing a demonstration by Papuan students at the Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 1.

"Yes, it is true that the Head of the Central Jakarta Metro Police was injured in the head," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when contacted by VOI, Thursday, December 1.

Kombes Komarudin said the incident began when officers were about to lower the flag carried by the action participants. When the flag was lowered, one of the masses threw stones until it hit the Head of the Operations Agency.

"There were participants who threw blunt objects that were suspected to be stones. As a result, the head of the police chief suffered injuries," he said.

Kombes Komarudin said the flag that was lowered was not the OPM flag, the flag was red which was lowered by the officer. Currently, the Head of the Operations Agency is undergoing treatment from medical officers.

"Currently, medical personnel are still being treated," he said.

Kombes Komarudin said that currently his party was still looking for demonstration participants who threw blunt objects that injured one of the officers. Through video recordings of officers being identified.

"The participants of this demonstration committed violations of the orderly demonstration laws. If later it is proven that the participants who injure the officers can be caught in the article of persecution," he said.

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