
The Mataram Police will investigate other parties involved in the corruption case of the earthquake-resilient House Program (RTG) in Sigerongan Village, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"If indeed the judge in the verdict of the defendant Indrianto ordered us to investigate the role or other parties, we will certainly carry it out," said Head of the Mataram City Police Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astana in Mataram, NTB, Thursday, December 1, quoted from Antara.

However, he said, to take this step, his party still had to wait for the complete decision belonging to the defendant Indrianto.

"From the complete decision, we will see again, there is a possibility that new evidence will emerge which is our clue to trace the role of others," he said.

During the investigation process for the Indrianto case file, he explained, investigators have not found the involvement of other people, including the two names of community group administrators mentioned in the decision.

"If the two people mentioned during the investigation have not found any indications or elements of unlawful acts towards them. That's why they are still witnesses," he said.

In the verdict hearing at the Mataram Corruption District Court, Wednesday, November 30, the panel of judges sentenced the defendant Indrianto to 5 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to 4 months in prison.

Chief judge I Ketut Somanasa in his decision also charged the defendant Indrianto who played the role of the Treasurer of the Depok Jati Kuning Community Group (Pokmas) to pay compensation for state losses worth IDR 445 million, subsidiary to 1.5 years in prison.

The judge also determined that the defendant remained in custody and asked that all evidence in this case be returned to investigators for the needs of case development to the pokmas management who also enjoyed the benefits of the emergence of state losses, namely M. Abadi and Mahdi Rahman.

Likewise, the money deposited from the defendant Indrianto was worth Rp. 16.7 million. The judge asked the public prosecutor to return it to the investigator as material for the completeness of the follow-up investigation.

The judge handed down such a verdict in accordance with the prosecutor's demands which found the defendant guilty of violating the primary indictment, Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

Furthermore, the defendant Indrianto through the legal advisor Kadek Sumertha stated that he accepted the decision. Meanwhile, Yustika Dewi, who represented the public prosecutor's team, has not yet decided on the judge's decision.

The Depok Jati Kuning Pokmas for Sigerongan Village, West Lombok Regency, in 2018 received Rp1.79 billion in assistance for 70 heads of families affected by the disaster. The assistance is for repairs and construction of affected houses.

The disbursement is carried out in three stages. The first stage was distributed Rp. 500 million, the second stage was distributed Rp. 750 million, and the third stage was distributed Rp. 90 million.

However, after the government disbursed the budget until it entered the pocket of the pokmas, a number of residents who were registered as recipients did not receive assistance.

It was revealed that the money had been enjoyed for the personal interests of the defendant Indrianto. This has hampered the implementation of the RTG program in the area.

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