
YOGYAKARTA Getting predicated as the dirtiest country in the world is certainly not a good thing. This predicate is given to several countries that are considered to have failed to tackle waste problems to have an above average level of air pollution.

Not only has an impact on public health, the level of cleanliness of the country also affects the tourism sector. Here are some countries that are known to be dirty, compiled from various sources.

Several articles put Bangladesh in first place in the theme of the dirtiest country. This developing country is included as a South Asian country.

In addition to still leaving jobs in the economic sector, Bangladesh also has to fight hard to deal with waste problems.

The country's area is 147,000 square km. Meanwhile, according to a World Population Review report, the total population of this country in 2022 will reach 171.932.042. The large population figure makes Bangladesh a dense country. This has an impact on the amount of waste generated.

In addition, Bangladesh also has above average pollution levels. On the Statisca page it is said that in 2021, this country has a concentration of particulates (PM2.5) an average of 76.9 micrograms per cubic meter of air (M3). This describes a fairly high level of pollution.

The condition of the Pakistani state is not much different from Bangladesh. This country is even referred to as a country with a high level of pollution in the world according to the City Air Index (AQI).

This Muslim country in South Asia has a pollution level of 66.8 months/m3. This figure is high because it exceeds the WHO measurement scale of 55.5 months/m3.

Pakistan's population is also very dense. In 2022, according to a World Population Review report, it reached 235.820,000. High population density causes the country to have problems with waste. The country produces 49.6 million tons of waste per year.

India is also often called problematic because of garbage and air pollution. Garbage is said to pollute rivers and roads. Even the disposal of water in the country is a problem that should be resolved quickly.

In 2022, the country will be inhabited by 1,421,245,170 according to a World Population Review report. High population density causes the country to produce more than 62 million tons of waste. Hygiene issues also threaten health.

Not only having problems with garbage, but India also has a high level of air pollution. Based on World Air Quality Data in 2020, people in India have the potential to lose nine years of age due to dirty air.

Citing data from, air pollution in India reaches 58.1 gung/m3. This figure is higher than the WHO measurement scale.

The country is located in Central Africa, bordering Libya in the northern part. In 2022, the population in the Republic of Chad reached 17,953,306. Population density not only causes a buildup of waste problems but has an impact on high levels of air pollution.

Citing data from, air pollution in the country of Chad reached 75.9]/m3. This should get serious attention from the local government because it can threaten the health of its people.

Sultanate of Oman is a small country located on the southeast end of the Arabian Peninsula. This country is known for its architectural beauty. But who would have thought that Oman had serious problems with his air cleanliness.

On the U-Earth Team website, the country with a population of 4.604.032 has an air pollution level of 53.9 liters/m3. The country also generates more than 1.7 tons of waste per year.

Those are some of the world's dirtiest countries. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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