
JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR urged the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to forcibly pick up Ismail Bolong. The witness to the alleged bribery of illegal mines in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) has been absent twice by police summons.

"According to the procedure, forced pick-up should be carried out," Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Sahroni, told reporters, Thursday, December 1. According to Sahroni, Ismail Bolong's statement is very important to handle this case.

"If it is true that this case can lead to the disclosure of mafias in the police, then it should be processed and opened as wide as possible. Moreover, this is an important case and can open a lot of veils," said Sahroni. The NasDem Party legislator for the DKI Jakarta electoral district said Commission III of the DPR would continue to monitor this case until it was clear.

"We at Commission III push and monitor always. The National Police must understand that we are in commission III, the media, and the public are monitoring this case," said Sahroni.

It is known that a former member of the Samarinda Police Intelligence and Security Unit, Adjunct Inspector One Ismail Bolong, was absent from the summons of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit on Tuesday, November 29.

Director of Certain Crimes (Dir Tipidter) Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Pipit Rismanto said, Ismail Bolong was absent from summons due to lack of health due to stress.

"(Ismail has a hole to admit that he is sick) Yes, he said he said he was stressed. He said it caused the stress of journalists, he said media," said Pipit, Wednesday, November 30.

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