
JAKARTA - The police are still opening up opportunities for mediation between fans of Lesti Billar (Leslar) with the initials W and Dewi Perssik to resolve problems amicably.

Previously, W was named a suspect on Monday, November 28, after the police examined witnesses and the evidence received for the case.

"We continue to provide space for litigants to mediate (both parties)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Irwandhy Idrus in a short message, Wednesday, November 30.

Irwandhy reminded people to be wiser in using social media. He suggests being careful when interacting in the digital space.

"This case is a concern and a lesson for all of us to be smarter and more careful in interacting in the digital space," he concluded.

As is known, the South Jakarta Metro Police has named a fan of Lesti Billar alias (Leslar) with the initials W as a suspect on suspicion of defamation from Dewi Perssik.

Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi when confirmed confirmed the news. "Yes, that's right, he has become a suspect today with the initials W," said Nurma, Monday, November 28.

Nurma said W was suspected of being the Electronic Transaction Information Law (UU ITE). However, the perpetrator was not detained, because the sentence was under five years.

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