
YOGYAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo, Governor of Central Java, responded quickly to illegal mining issues that were widely discussed on social media.

Ganjar also opened his voice after previously the Mayor of Solo, Gribran Rakabuming Raka, mentioned the existence of a large backing behind illegal mining in Klaten.

The issue of mining is widely discussed starting from a netizen who collects Gibran Rakabuming about illegal mining in Klaten.

Governor Ganjar Pranowo was also obtained by netizens.

Ganjar did not clearly reveal who the so-called big-big names on the illegal mines were.

The mine that Ganjar is referring to is a type of C excavation mine, which does not include excavation material A (strategic) and excavated material B (vital).

Ganjar immediately held a coordination meeting with regents and mayors throughout Central Java to discuss illegal mining issues.

Ganjar said that the illegal C excavation mining action had been taken, but the case appeared again.

In addition, the Bumi Puser Team, which has the task of overcoming mining problems, has also not been effective because the perpetrators have switched to other locations.

"We will continue to pursue it tomorrow, catch up, appear again. So we ask for support from the community so that we can report and we ask law enforcement not to hesitate about this. Otherwise, this is a source of damaged water, damaged roads, there is no contribution. We are ready for the government to facilitate, "said Ganjar.

People Asked to Report Illegal Galian C Mining

Ganjar said regional leaders in Central Java agreed to make a reporting desk to accommodate reports from the public regarding illegal C excavation mines. Ganjar asked the public to actively report.

Ganjar stated that his party would go directly to the field if there were people who reported illegal C excavation mines.

His party did not hesitate to arrest and eradicate illegal mining actions that disturb the comfort of the community.

"I just suggest concrete, we give mobile phone numbers to (the public) report, after that we raid together," said Ganjar in the coordination meeting.

The Impact of Illegal C Galian Mines on the Environment

Ganjar also conveyed about the threat of environmental damage due to illegal mining.

Ganjar assessed that the government must immediately eradicate illegal mines to prevent bad effects in the environment and society.

"This can't be done, the spring is gone, the road is damaged because of the road, if not the village road, the district is running. Indeed, behind the excavation C it contains Gali (preman)," said Ganjar.

Bekingan Bengri Galian C Illegal Mining in Klaten

Gibran Rakabuming said there were a number of horrific defenders protecting illegal mines in Klaten.

He made this statement when responding to complaints from netizens regarding the illegal C excavation mine.

Previously, netizens with the Twitter account name @amr715882 asked Gibran to convey to President Joko Widodo to take action against illegal sand mines in Klaten.

The netizen revealed illegal mines were located at more than 20 locations.

"Mas.. a week to Pak@jokowi to take action against illegal sand mines in kb.klaten, more than 20 location left. @ListyoSigitP @ganjarpranowo. write account @amr715882.

In the tweet, netizens not only screened the Mayor of Solo, but also mentioned the names of President Jokowi, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit, and Ganjar Pranowo. Ganjar also responded to Gibran Rakabuming's statement regarding illegal mining performances.

"So if the Mayor of Solo comes here hard, Wow, this is the horror back up, well, netizens then shouted, then today's forum in my opinion is important," said Ganjar.

That is the issue of illegal C excavations in Klaten and responses from the local government of Governor Ganjar Pranowo.

Ganjar stated that local governments need to immediately take concrete actions to eradicate illegal mining that is troubling the community.

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