JAKARTA - Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi ensured that IKN would have a layered security system to protect the technology used in smart cities.
"We will make sure that everything is safe, because later if people are beaten they can collapse. This is a package in IKN development," Ali said in a media forum in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, November 29.
Dalam pengembangan IKN, terdapat beberapa tahapan sistem keamanan dalam pembangunan khususnya dari segi teknologi. Pada level pertama, terdapat multi-utility tunnel atau MUT, menampungkan semua jaringan pipa air sampai dengan kaline listrik dan fiber optical di IKN.
Entering the second level, which is an active level where data centers or centers gather for all data operations.
"There are also at the third level of super apps. For this apps, of course, we will 'tawarine' to the specifics of companies that do handle cyber security. Frankly, we have brought it from abroad, from security to the application system," said Prof. Ali.
Ali said digital security is very important in the development of IKN. Therefore, when the provider election is needed to be careful because it involves state data.
"The security of this data is one of the considerations in choosing provider technology. Whether later it will build fiber optics because it is related to state data, or cooperation with private centers, we will take very carefully," he said.
As a smart city, IKN will use technology to control and manage government and everyday life.
The maximum use of technology is expected to improve the quality of life of the community and productivity.
This modern technology will be applied to six components, namely government, natural resources and energy, transportation and mobility, industry and human resources as well as the fostered environment and infrastructure.
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