
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that all the flood points that had submerged Jakarta since last night had receded during the day.

"BPBD noted that until Tuesday at 11:30 WIB, all inundation in the DKI Jakarta area had receded," said Head of BPBD DKI Jakarta Isnawa Adji to reporters, Tuesday, November 29.

Isnawa said that the receding flood was the result of collaborative efforts by cross-regional work units (SKPD) that had deployed the following personnel with supporting equipment such as mobile pumps to suck up puddles and ensure water lines were functioning properly.

"The role of the community elements is also involved in this effort, such as the RT/RW, FKDM, and other community leaders," said Isnawa.

Previously, on Monday, November 28 at 21.00 WIB, the DKI Jakarta BPBD recorded 19 RTs submerged in floods with water levels reaching 1.5 meters.

The RT is spread across East Cilandak Village, Pesanggrahan Village, Bintaro Village, Bangka Village, and Kedaung Kali Angke Village.

Yesterday's flood also caused one resident who died during the flood. The victim, named Lina Maulida, is 35 years old, lives in Bintaro Village, Pesanggrahan District, South Jakarta.

Isnawa explained that one victim died from being electrocuted because he tried to remove the electrical plug which was submerged in water.

"Unknowingly and surprisingly, the victim immediately removed the switch that was submerged in water. The victim was immediately electrocuted and electrocuted," said Isnawa.

The victim was immediately taken to the hospital. Suyoto is a local resident. At the hospital the victim was declared dead.

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