
The Maluku High Prosecutor's Office has investigated four suspects in the alleged corruption case of the 2020 COVID-19 food and drink budget for health workers at the dr. M. Haulussy Hospital in Ambon. "Today they have fulfilled the prosecutor's summons to be examined as suspects," said Assistant for Special Crimes at the Maluku Attorney General's Office, Triono Rahyudi, to reporters in Ambon, Antara, Monday, November 28. According to him, the suspects who are employees of the dr. M. Haulussy Ambon Hospital who fulfill the prosecutor's summons are JAA, LML, MD, and HB. "They came to be examined as suspects, but for the time being investigators have not been detained because the investigation process is still ongoing," he said. The determination of the four suspects was made after the prosecutor received the results of an audit of state financial losses from the auditor of the Indonesian Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Representative of Maluku Province. "After receiving the results of the BPKP RI audit of the Maluku Province representative, it was found that there was an element of state financial loss in this case amounting to Rp600 million," he said. The Maluku Attorney General's Office then conducted a case title and named four employees of the dr. M. Haulussy Ambon Hospital as suspects since early November 2022. Meanwhile, for the handling of cases of alleged corruption in the payment of health checks services for the selection of regional head candidates and deputy regional heads in 2016-2020 at the Haulusy Hospital, Triono said the case was still under investigation.

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