
Head of KPLP Class 1 Cipinang Prison, East Jakarta, Sukarno Ali explained, the number of narcotics that wanted to be smuggled into prisons with boxes of milk and boxed tea was quite large.

"Weighing 1,535 grams of marijuana and 15.4 grams of crystal methamphetamine. In addition to the narcotics, we also confiscated 5 cangklongs of methamphetamine suction devices," said Sukarno Ali when confirmed by VOI, Monday, November 28.

The marijuana and methamphetamine-type narcotics were found still in the trash truck. The truck is planned to enter into taking garbage from the Cipinang Class 1 prison area.

"So (the truck) hasn't entered (the prison) yet, it's still in front of the main gate security area (P2U). Because our SOPs, everyone who enters, will be checked first for the cars in front of the P2U post," he said.

When the narcotics were found, continued Ali, the truck was empty.

"The truck is just about to take the garbage. Maybe the truck (transport) in the second batch," he said.

Although they have secured evidence, the Cipinang Class 1 prison KPLP officers have not arrested the narcotics smuggler.

"The perpetrator is still in the identification process by East Jakarta Police investigators because all the evidence has been submitted to the East Jakarta Police. The recording of the perpetrator (from CCTV) is not available. Incidentally, the driver's information was conveyed to us, because he felt he had received a throw from outside (Lapas)," he said.

Previously, it was reported that boxed tea containing methamphetamine and large box milk containing dried marijuana leaves failed to be smuggled by unknown people into the Class 1 Cipinang Prison, East Jakarta on Monday, November 28.

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