Insufficient Recurrence Fee, The Man In Tangerang When The Head Of The Gas Station Officer
Capture the video screen of Tanah Tinggi Tangerang gas station officers being beaten by consumers


TANGERANG - The police have arrested a man with the initials D (25) who is suspected of beating an officer at the Tanah Tanggi Fuel Filling Station (SPBU), Tangerang City.

The Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho, said the incident occurred on Sunday, November 27 at 17.32 WIB. It is suspected that the perpetrator did not receive the return money from the gas station insufficient.

"The perpetrator felt that when he bought 3 liters of gasoline, he used 100 thousand money, only 20 thousand was returned by the victim," said Zain when confirmed, Monday, November 28.

"At that time the perpetrator no longer checked the money. On the way home, the perpetrator checked again and felt lacking, finally returned to the gas station," he continued.

When returning to the gas station, Zain said, the perpetrator immediately argued with the victim over the lack of encouragement. Feeling pressed, the victim finally gave the remaining money to the perpetrator.

"During the debate, the perpetrator grabbed the victim's neck and beat him to the head. Out of fear, the victim gave 50 thousand to the perpetrator. Finally, the perpetrator returned to his house," he said.

The action was caught on CCTV cameras, then went viral on social media. The police who received information immediately moved and identified the vehicle used by the perpetrator.

Then, the Tangerang Police Criminal Investigation Officer who was assisted by the Tangerang City Metro Police Satreskrim came and managed to secure the perpetrator.

"We were finally able to identify the motorbike used by the perpetrator, and arrest him," he said.

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