
JAKARTA - Defense Minister (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto admitted that he was reluctant to watch the Qatar 2022 World Cup because the Indonesian national team had not participated in the big activity.

"I am a football lover, but I don't want to watch the World Cup. Even on TV, I don't want it because Indonesia doesn't play," Prabowo said in a press release received in Jakarta, reported by Antara on Sunday, November 26.

According to him, Indonesia should have been able to compete in the World Cup. The base is that many smaller countries can participate, such as Ghana and Nigeria.

"Yesterday, Saudi Arabia was able to beat Argentina. When can Indonesia participate in the World Cup?" asked the former Danjen Kopassus in his remarks at the XI National Conference (Munas) of the Islamic Student Association Alumni Corps (KAHMI) in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Saturday (26/11).

Therefore, Prabowo tries to take a role to raise the status of the Garuda national team so that they can compete in the global arena.

He plans to invite talented young football athletes to join the world's best academy in Qatar.

"One of the best football academies now (there is) in Qatar. Many children from Europe are now studying there. I have asked permission from the Qatari leader, 'Can Indonesia not send (to the academy)?' But, waiting for the World Cup to finish. After the World Cup is over, I go to take our children, "said Prabowo.

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