
JAKARTA - Some of the passengers of the Commuter Line electric train (KRL) who had carried out Car Free Day activities in the Sudirman area admitted that they were disappointed after receiving news that the KRL operation at Sudirman Station was stopped due to technical problems at Manggarai Station.

One of the passengers of the KRL Commuter Line, Lastri said, after exercising he wanted to rest and hoped to get home quickly.

However, in reality since 09.00 WIB there has been no train passing.

"We want to hurry up after sports until the house continues to rest. But there are even disturbances. It's annoying," said Lastri at Sudirman Station, Sunday, November 27.

Furthermore, Lastri said, what made him more annoyed was that none of the station officers could explain what kind of technical damage he said happened at Manggarai Station.

"This could be a trick by Commter Line management to save expenses," he regretted.

In fact, one of the station officers using loudspeakers made an announcement that the train bound for Bekasi from Duri could not run due to interference.

Likewise, the train from Manggarai heading to Tanah Abang cannot be dispatched.

"For train users who want to travel, they can use other transportation," said the station officer through loudspeakers.

Meanwhile, VP Corporate Secretary of KAI Commuter, Anne Purba admitted that there were obstacles on the journey of KRL across Manggarai Station-Tanah Abang on Sunday, November 27.

The obstacle occurred in a series of Commuter Line which previously experienced problems at Kampung Bandan Station.

"The Commuter Line series, which previously dropped at Kampung Bandan Station, was pulled by rescue train to further inspection and repair at Balai Yasa Manggarai," said Anne.

Anne said, because the falling series suffered quite a damage, the series finally experienced another problem when it was about to enter Manggarai Station.

"As a result of these obstacles, commuterline trips across Manggarai-Tanah Abang or vice versa cannot be passed," he said.

According to him, the Commuter Line trip for the Cikarang/Bekasi-Angke connection via Manggarai trip is only up to Jatinegara or Manggarai to return to Bekasi/Cikarang.

Meanwhile, the Commuter Line trip for the Cikarang/Bekasi-Angke relation via Pasar Senen trip is only up to Pasar Senen or Kemayoran to return to Bekasi/Cikarang.

"Currently, joint officers from KAI Commuter and KAI Daop 1 Jakarta are in the process of handling these obstacles. Other cross-commuterline travel has no problems," he said.

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