
JAKARTA - The National Police's Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team has identified 10 bodies of earthquake victims in Cianjur Regency, West Java. Four of them are children aged two and four years.

"We have succeeded in identifying 10 bodies. From yesterday until now 10 bodies have been identified," said Karo Dokpol of the Police Health Center Brigadier General Pol dr A Nyoman Eddy Purnama Wirawan at the Cianjur Sayang Hospital.

Of the 10 bodies identified, some of them are children. For example, a toddler girl named Azzura Sepnia Putri whose body was identified based on medical records, teeth, and property.

"The 7th body with the number 062/22/two CJR/ 133 was identified as the Women's Sepnia Azzura, a 2-year-old woman 2 months 2 months address Cugenang Village, cijedil Village, Cugenang District, Cianjur," he said, Saturday, November 26.

Then, there is also a body with the number PM 062/22/CJR/129 identified as Qinanti Rahayu Nazwal Yanti Aira Gunawan. This 2-year-old girl's identity was identified based on her teeth, medical records and property.

Then, for the identified four-year-old child, Muhammad Rafka. His identity was identified based on teeth, medical records and property matched to the body with the number PM 062/22/CJR/124.

There is also a body with number 062/22/CJR/141. The team managed to identify it as Karim Hidayatullah, a boy who was 4 years old.

Meanwhile, for the rest, among others, the health worker number 062/22/ CJR/ 127 was identified as Widarto, a 44-year-old male.

Then, the body numbered PM 062/22/CCR/128 was identified as Jubaedah, a woman, 56 years old.

The body number PM062/22/CJR/130 was identified as Ilis Noehaini, a 59-year-old woman.

The body with the number PM 062/22/CJR/131 was identified as Yanti Mandasari, a 42-year-old woman.

The bodies numbered 062/22/CJR/134/BP and 062/22/CJR/135/BP containing two body parts were identified in the name of Diah Eka Wati, 34-year-old woman.

The body number 062/22/CJR/139 was identified as Omay, male 70 years old.

"So, the total number of bodies that have been identified to date is 134 bodies," said Eddy.

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