
JAKARTA - The internal dynamics of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) is increasingly interesting because each political party (parpol) member of the coalition has begun to look at different presidential candidates (candidates). However, the steps taken by KIB which did not immediately declare the presidential candidates could also be used by Golkar, PAN and PPP to foster and improve their respective electability. Political observer Ray Rangkuti assesses that the dynamics of determining the presidential candidate at KIB will end soon even though currently the three political parties still have different views regarding the presidential candidate. He predicts that KIB will declare its presidential candidate in early 2023. "My guess is that a maximum of March 2023, they have announced it," said Ray, Saturday, November 26. According to Ray, the internal dynamics of KIB will not have a major impact on solidity even though this coalition is also certain to face obstacles. However, the dynamics is not as heavy as the coalition that will be formed by NasDem, PKS and Democrats. "Of course there will be obstacles, but I don't see the obstacles will be as big as those experienced by the Change Coalition," said Ray. Ray said, if in other coalitions the loss of one member, the coalition would tend to disband. Unlike KIB, which if it lost one member could still survive by looking for a replacement for another political party. "But if they (KIB) strike, it still allows other parties to enter," said the founder of Lingkar Madani (Lima). What does it mean? They already have their figures, even though they are different in vice presidential candidates. The level of general chairman in KIB, in my opinion, the level is the vice president," he explained. The tendency not to immediately declare the KIB presidential candidate, he said, could also be used to foster and improve the electability of each political party. "In this way, they still allow to continue to cultivate the electability of each person," he said. In addition, added Ray, the political parties of KIB members are both sitting in the ranks of government supporters. This means that KIB respects the direction of President Joko Widodo. PPP M Mardiono said, until now there are 14 PPP Regional Leadership Councils (DPW) who proposed the name of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo to be promoted as a presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. He stated that the proposals from his cadres in a number of areas would be brought to the meeting of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) later. "Once again we will bring it to KIB later. My hope is that if it is the same as the candidate, it will be a decision later," said Mardiono, Thursday, November 24. In order to bridge the aspirations of PAN constituents in the presidential election, then we are from PAN entities consisting of the founders/declarators of PAN, members of the Indonesian House of Representatives, former members of the Indonesian House of Representatives, leaders/managers, cadres and sympathizers of PAN, have formed ANIES or INDONESIAN AMANAT on Thursday, November 17, in Jakarta," said General Chair ANIES Sahrin Hamid.

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