
Head of the Ministry of Home Affairs' Domestic Policy Strategy Agency (BSKDN), Yusharto Huntoyungo, asked local governments to improve public service innovations in their respective regions.

"To accelerate the implementation of electronic-based government services, the regional government needs to improve the innovation of its public services," Yusharto wrote in his statement, Friday, November 25.

He said the acceleration of the implementation of electronic-based government services was in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems.

Then, he explained, the important goal of improving public service innovation is to make electronic-based government services faster and more accessible to the public.

"In response to this, we continue to strive to develop the services that are already available and add services on the "Puja Indah" platform so that all public service matters can be carried out properly," said Yusharto as quoted by Antara.

The Ministry of Home Affairs continues to provide support to local governments in improving public service innovations. The Ministry of Home Affairs has held Technical Guidance (Bimtek) for the Application of the Center for Regional Innovation Networks (Puja Indah) for Regional Government Services 2022.

The Puja Indah technical guidance and technology is an effort to follow up the signing of a commitment statement between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the regional government. This commitment aims to replicate Puja Indah's services which have been implemented since 2018.

"There are 80 local governments that will jointly get technical guidance on Puja Indah's 2022 Regional Government Services. Bimtek is one way to jointly accelerate digital transformation in public services," he said.

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