Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno Wants To Create Disaster Response Tourism HR
Impact of the Cianjur earthquake (Photo via BNPB)


Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said there needed to be readiness to deal with disasters from various sectors including creative economy tourism.

"So I learned that when I was assigned to the DKI Provincial Government, how to be prepared, as well as the creative economy tourism sector to deal with disasters, it could also be trained here. How do we deal with earthquakes, floods, landslides, and so on," said Sandiaga Uno, Friday, November 25.

Sandiaga said that when inaugurating the construction of the NHI Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar) in Bandung. He said, the location of the campus building is in the Dayeuhkolot area which is also famous for flood natural disasters. So it needs readiness for building managers in the event of a disaster.

Therefore, Sandiaga Uno added that one of the steps that needed to be taken was collaborating with related parties.

"So we will also collaborate with the relevant ministries, BMKG, and also with the local community," said Sandiaga Uno.

On the other hand, Sandiaga Uno also said that the campus building, which will later be used for integrated practice lectures majoring in Hospitality, can open up business opportunities. The surrounding community was also helped.

"So that the people at their standard of living increases, their welfare is lifted, and of course we can achieve advanced Indonesia. I will fight for it and the spearhead is the NHI Bandung Police," said the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Furthermore, Sandiaga Uno said the NHI Poltekpar building was also one of the assets transferred to the Ministry of Tourism while still joining the Ministry of Communication and Information. Then on that basis it was immediately built at that location.

"Then this was built here apart from West Java as a tourism center for Indonesia and West Java before this pandemic could attract 100 million domestic tourist movements. This area is also very central," said Sandiaga Uno.

Meanwhile, the Director of Poltekpar NHI Bandung, Andar Danova Goeltom, said that the NHI Bandung Poltekpar campus in the future will carry the concept of Eco Friendly and Entrepreneurial Campus. With the strengthening of 60 percent Green Open Space.

"Then there are buildings and the strengthening of Technopark as a center for Student Entrepreneurship. Other building functions will be used to strengthen education and vocational training in the fields of Hospitality Management, Tourism Management and Travel Management," he said.

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