
JAKARTA - Responding to the ban on bringing pets on Motor Vehicle Free Day (HBKB) or Car Free Day (CFD), the dog lover community from CFD Dog Lover and GBK Dog Lover will hold a Campaign on dog animals on Sunday, November 27, the day after tomorrow.

The activity followed an answer from the letter from the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, on November 10.

The letter sent by Azas Tigor Nainggolan from CFD Dog Lover regarding the request for regulation of pets following a motor vehicle-free day (HBKB) turned out to get another answer from the Head of DKI Transportation Agency.

Based on a letter sent by the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, to Azas Tigor on November 10, it was written in accordance with DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 12 of 2016 concerning the implementation of the HBKB. In Article 7 paragraph (1), it has been regulated that the HBKB route can only be used for environmental, sports, arts and culture-themed activities.

Thus, animal activity (any type) does not include activities that can be carried out at HBKB.

Animal activity (with its owner) can be carried out on Jalan Tunnel Semanggi, (east and west side), access roads around the Semanggi intersection and green open space parks that are widely available in 5 regions.

In addition, in a written letter, the location of roads and parks around the HBKB route and in the administrative city area can be used for pet activities.

Responding to the letter of response to the request for regulation of pets following the HBKB from the Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Azas Tigor admitted that he would carry out a convoy with his pets on the Semanggi Park route, Setiabudi and return to Semanggi Park.

"To educate the general public that dog animals can run regularly and do not disturb the community, make people comfortable, with the presence of anabul. Let's support Jakarta Animal Friendly, Jakarta Anabul Friendly," Azas told VOI, Friday, November 25.

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