
JAKARTA - The electricity network in Pamekasan, East Java was out for 12 hours due to heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds that hit the area.

"The reason is because a banana tree collapsed and hit a PLN travo in Kedungdung Hamlet, Kertagena Laok Village, Kadur District, Pamekasan," said Pamekasan Customer Service Unit (ULP) Manager Agung Setyobudi in a written statement via the Whatshapp platform in Pamekasan, East Java, Friday, November 25, as reported by Antara.

As a result of this incident, electricity has been outages in the area since Thursday (24/11) at around 16.30 WIB until Friday (25/11) at around 04.30 WIB.

This incident caused all of the residents' economic activities at night to be paralyzed. Hundreds of traders need tree materials, and street vendors are forced not to sell. In addition, teaching and learning activities in a number of Al Quran Education Places (TPA) which are usually held at night had to be closed.

Agus explained that the disruption of the electricity network due to heavy rain accompanied by strong winds almost occurred in all sub-districts.

"The worst is indeed in Kadur District, if the others only hit the cable, it doesn't damage the PLN travo," he said.

Based on observations in the field, heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds in Pamekasan, occurred from around 12.00 WIB on Thursday (24/11) to Friday (25/11) at around 02.00 WIB.

In addition to cutting off electricity networks, the bad weather that occurred in Pamekasan also cut off telecommunications networks and caused the telecommunication network managed by a number of private companies to malfunction.

"So, the disruption of the electricity network that occurred in Pamekasan and experienced blackouts for up to 12 hours was not intentional, but due to disasters, strong winds and many trees collapsing," he said.

He also asked for the awareness of residents who have high trees near the PLN channel to cut, so as not to interfere with the smooth flow of electricity.

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