
JAKARTA - The presidential letter (Surpres) regarding the candidate for TNI commander in chief to replace General Andika Perkasa was canceled to the DPR on Wednesday, November 23, yesterday. The DPR RI is still waiting for the Surpres which is planned to be handed over by the Palace on November 28. Regarding the successor to General Andika Perkasa, the leadership of the DPR said that all TNI dimensions had the same opportunity to be elected as TNI commanders. The names of 3 candidates are Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman, Navy Chief of Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono, and Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo. However, the leadership of the DPR is still waiting for the name proposed by President Joko Widodo to officially go to Senayan. "I think everyone has a chance. But it depends on the needs of the highest commander, namely the president in seeing the current situation and conditions," said Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Thursday, November 24. Dasco said, if later the DPR has received the presidential decree, it will immediately process it. One of them is conducting a fit and proper test through Commission I of the DPR. "Because it is the prerogative of the president, of course we are waiting and will carry out the stages according to the mechanism when it is received," said Dasco. Previously, the Secretary General of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Indra Iskandar, revealed that the presidential decree for the candidate for TNI commander was canceled yesterday. He said the State Secretariat (Setneg) would submit the letter on November 28, 2022 to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani. "So the handover of the Presidential Decree of the TNI will be handed over by the Minister of State Secretary to Mrs. Puan on November 28," Indra told reporters, Wednesday, November 23. Indra explained that the handover of the presidential decree to the DPR next week was because DPR Speaker Puan Maharani was still at Pnom Penh, Cambodia. Puan herself became a delegation of the Indonesian House of Representatives to attend the 43th General Assembly of ASEAN Interparliamentary (AIPA). However, said Indra, even though the handover of the presidential decree was postponed, this did not violate the law. "It is still possible not to violate the rules, because even though the TNI commander retires on the 21st, the retirement age limit can also reach the end of the month, yes, until the 30th," he said.

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