
JAKARTA - Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel appreciated the construction of a statue of charismatic leader Fidel Castro, as he visited Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow to discuss relations between the two countries, alluding to the United States.

After conveying greetings from former Cuban leader General Raul Castro, President Diaz-Canel said the visit had a deep meaning.

"We do so when both countries, Russia and Cuba, become subjects of unfair unilateral sanctions and have common enemies, the same source is the situation empire (the United States), which manipulates many human beings," President Diaz-Canel said, citing the Kremlin, November 23.

"We have experienced it ourselves, for more than 60 years under the influence of a blockade. And the first obligation is to continue to maintain the position of the Russian Federation in this conflict. In our understanding, this comes, unfortunately, under US manipulation in front of the international community," he said.

"We discussed this with you before. You have long warned the world, NATO attacks on Russia's borders are unacceptable, and they are trying to find it in extra-territorial wars, as they have always done, outside their own territory, the opportunity to present themselves as "saving" and "breakers" of all the situations that arise in the world, "said President Diaz-Cannel.

He stressed that Cuba condemns sanctions against the Russian Federation and the source of the current conflict, so that people do not mislead and blame Russia for this, as well as the way Europe is doing, which is fully subject to all US interests.

"We appreciate all the work of the Russian Federation, your role in helping the world move towards multipolarity, moving in this direction, and in this case you have great leadership. We also want to exchange views on this issue," he praised in front of President Putin.

Meanwhile, President Putin said much progress had been made in bilateral relations between the two countries, since the last meeting of the two leaders of the country three years ago.

"You know, the Soviet Union and Russia have always, even to this day, supported and continued to support the Cuban people in their struggle for independence, for sovereignty. We have always opposed various kinds of restrictions, embargoes, blockades and so on," President Putin explained.

"We have always supported Cuba on international platforms. And we see that Cuba is taking the same position in relation to our country, in relation to Russia."

He added that all of this was the result of a traditional friendship founded by Fidel Castro.

"Today you and I launched a monument for him. In my opinion, the monument is very good. It is a beautiful memory of him, a real work of art," said President Putin.

In response to this inauguration, President Diaz-Canel thanked the construction of the Fidel Castro monument, appreciating President Putin and all parties involved in it, including hanger Alexei Dmitrievich Chebanenko.

"The personality of the Supreme Commander is most closely related to the friendship that has existed between the people and our government for more than 60 years. Fidel really understands the essence of brotherhood that unites our country," said President Diaz-Canel.

"He has always admired the extraordinary fortitude of the Soviets during the Great Patriotic War, their heroism and their ability to sacrifice themselves to save mankind from fascism," he said.

It is known that the late Fidel Castro, who died on November 25, 2016, first visited the Soviet Union in 1963. At that time, he traveled for 40 days to the most important cities, including Leningrad, a city he respected due to the epic 900-day blockade by the Nazi army.

Fidel Castro last visited Russia in November 1987, to participate in 70th anniversary events 'Great October Socialist Revolution'.

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