President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has assigned the Presidential Special Envoy for Cooperation on Poverty and Food Security, Muhamad Mardiono, to help strengthen domestic food security in anticipation of the impact of the recession and the global crisis.
"How to continue to build food security in our country because we also know that we are currently facing a recession, a world crisis where food is a top priority," said Mardiono after being sworn in as Special Envoy for the President for Cooperation on Poverty Reduction and Food Security at the State Palace, Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, November 23.
The President, said Mardiono, gave orders for him to continue to coordinate with government agencies, make field visits, and conduct studies related to efforts to increase food security and alleviate poverty.
In the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), said Mardiono, he was also given the task by the President to oversee the first goal of the SDGs, namely poverty alleviation and the second goal of the SDGs, namely food security.
He explained that efforts to increase food security would be carried out in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Government Food Reserves.
"Furthermore, I will ensure that the trend of poverty will continue to decline," he said.
The number of poor people in Indonesia according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reached 26.16 million people or 9.54 percent of the total population of Indonesia, until March 2022.
Meanwhile, based on the Global Food Security Index, Indonesia's index is currently recorded at 60.2 points. This index shows that Indonesia's food security is in the moderate category.
"It is necessary to continue to strengthen the availability of quality and sustainability of food supply as well as food price affordability that can be reached by the Indonesian people," he said.
Mardiono had previously submitted a letter of resignation as a Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres). Outside the government, Mardiono is currently the Acting Chairperson of the DPP United Development Party (PPP).
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