
The investigation into the alleged insult to the First Lady, Iriana Jokowi, by the Twitter account @KoprofilJati has stalled. Because, in that case there must be an official report from the injured party.

"So there really has to be a reporter," said Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate of Cyber Crime, Bareskrim Polri Kombes Reinhard Hutagaol, to reporters, Wednesday, November 23.

There are reports from the injured parties, in this case Iriana Jokowi, referring to the Joint Decree (SKB) of the three ministers.

In that decision, all criminal acts regulated in Article 27 paragraph 3 of ITE must be victims who report.

"For insults at ITE, it must be harmed directly. The offense of absolute complaint, yes, it must be harmed," he said.

Apart from that, Reinhard emphasized that his party had mapped the identity of the owner of the account. However, it was reiterated that it could not be prosecuted because there had been no official report.

"We will definitely do the profiling and it has been carried out. It's just that we will act on the report, if there is no report, we can't," said Reindhard.

It is known that the tweet uploaded by the Twitter account @KoprofilJati allegedly insinuated or insulted First Lady Iriana Jokowi.

The upload was the number one trending on Indonesian Twitter with the hashtag (hastag) of the First Lady, as many as 23.8 thousand tweets.

The @KoprofilJati account posted a photo of First Lady Iriana Jokowi taking a photo with Korean First Lady Kim Keon-hee at the G20 Summit.

In addition to evolving photos, the account wrote a tweet "Bi, please make our guests drink,"

"Okay, ma'am," wrote the account's tweet.

The tweet received various responses from internet residents, mostly assessing that the account had insinuated First Lady Iriana.

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