
JAKARTA - An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.5 (M) centered on land 10 km southwest of Cianjur, West Java destroyed many buildings, including residents' houses, Islamic boarding schools, and hospitals. IDI moved to deploy doctors to help victims of the Cianjur earthquake.

The head of IDI Cianjur branch, Dr. Ronny Hadyanto, said that IDI Cianjur mobilized all its member doctors or those assigned to the Cianjur area to step down to deal with earthquake victims.

"There are about 200 general practitioner medical personnel and specialist IDI members of Cianjur and those on duty in the Cianjur area to handle earthquake victims. Currently, we are also coordinating with many parties including BNPB, Cianjur Health Service (Dinkes), Regency Government and many more to prepare Emergency Hospitals at Cianjur Regency Hall on Jl. Siti Zaenab," said Dr Ronny Hadyanto in a written statement received by VOI.

Dr. Ronny said, according to data update until 17.30 WIB, there were 58 victims who died consisting of adults, the elderly, and children. At the Sayang Cianjur Hospital, there were 54 fatalities and 4 victims at the Cimacan Hospital. The death toll from injuries to the legs and head. Meanwhile, the total number of injured victims reached more than 700 people. The Sayang Cianjur Hospital has so far accommodated about 200 injured people.

Meanwhile, Dr. Eka Mulyana, Head of IDI West Java Region said that IDI West Java was deploying a disaster alert team from IDI West Java who was on their way to Cianjur while carrying platoon tent equipment and a number of medicines.

Dr Eka has also coordinated with a number of branch IDIs in West Java and around Cianjur to assist in terms of medical personnel.

Chairman of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association, Dr. M. Adib Khumaidi, SpOT said that the Center for Health Crisis and community service led by Dr. Corona Rintawan will also deploy medical assistance and personnel to disaster sites in Cianjur.

Currently, PB IDI received initial information from the rapid health assessment from the IDI Cianjur Team for the human resources of surgeons and orthopaedi surgery with medical equipment equipment and infrastructure support, building analysis is also being carried out to anticipate the needs of the Field Hospital and preparations for medical referrals to Bandung and Hasan Sadikin Hospital.

PB IDI and all IDI Regions and Branches expressed their deep condolences to the families of the victims affected by the earthquake.

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