
JAKARTA - Polres Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) revealed a photo hoax with the narrative of the bodies of the FPI paramilitary troops smiling. The hoaxer uses a photo of a living person.

Kapolres Kukar AKBP Irwan Masulin Ginting said the photo referred to as FPI's laskar, is a Kutai Kartanegara resident named Ahmad Mujahid (33). Ahmad is still alive.

According to the police, a hoax photo with the narrative of the bodies of the FPI soldiers smiling, according to the police, was sent to the WhatsApp Lovers and Defenders of Ulama group on December 7, 2020. Then on December 8, the photo went viral with the narrative of the FPI Laskar's body smiling when he died.

"The beginning of the photo was spread when Mujahid sent WhatsApp messages to his colleagues, now we have designated Mujahid as victim witnesses," explained Kukar Police Chief AKBP Irwan Masulin Ginting quoted from the statement of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Sunday, December 13.

Ahmad Mujahid, who works as a mosque officer in Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara, also feels aggrieved by the circulation of this hoax information.

"I feel aggrieved. I have also clarified through video that it is a hoax," said Mujahid.

Previously, Bareskrim Polri ordered all Polda ranks to crack down on all forms of hoaxes related to the shooting case of six special laskar Rizieq Shihab's guard. Because, recently social media has been enlivened with photos and videos associated with the case.

"All hoaxes that are untrue at Polda-Polda and Polri Headquarters will be processed," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Friday, December 11.

In fact, the Crime Crime Crime Directorate has started to map the spread of the hoax. Later, all parties involved will be prosecuted.

"We have instructed them to find out if there is a hoax, we will process the case (the shooting)," said Argo.

Argo said that the appearance of videos or photos linked to the shooting case only had a bad impact. This is because the community can be affected by the video.

"So that it doesn't frighten the public, so that the information itself is not wrong. We process everything," he said.

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