
JAKARTA - Two cafes in the Joglo area, Kembangan, West Jakarta, were subject to PSBB sanctions for violating health protocols and had to close temporarily.

The sanction was given on Saturday, December 12 evening when the West Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit conducted a justisi operation.

"The sanction is in the form of closing 1x24 hours at two cafes," said Head of West Jakarta Satpol PP Tamo Sijabat, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

The cafes that were being prosecuted by the West Jakarta Satpol PP were Namlapan Joglo Cafe and Sejenak Kopi. In the two cafes, the authorities found that there was no clear distance between the visitors.

In addition, the number of visitors to the cafe exceeds the capacity allowed during the PSBB. What's more, there is no body temperature check and no data collection on the visitors.

In accordance with Governor Regulation 101/2020 and Decree of the Head of the Tourism Office number 259/2020, the two cafes were sanctioned and an inspection report was made.

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