
Toba Police managed to arrest one detainee who escaped on behalf of Laurensus Sitorus while crossing Pardomuan Kaldera Sibisa Village, Lumban Julu, Toba Regency, North Sumatra. Laurensus was the last detainee to be arrested after escaping from the Toba Police Headquarters detention room on Tuesday, November 15 in the morning at around 03.15 WIB. Toba Police Chief AKBP Taufik Hidayat Thayeb said the detainee was arrested on Saturday morning at 13.30 WIB. After escaping, Laurensus was observed to move frequently, making it a bit difficult for officers to make arrests. "Actually, Laurensus' whereabouts have been tracked down by officers, it's just that these detainees often change places," he said in a written statement, Antara, Sunday, November 20. The total number of prisoners who escaped from the detention room amounted to six people. The other five, said Taufik, have been detained by officers. "Thus, we have arrested six prisoners who escaped," said Taufik. The six detainees who escaped were on behalf of Dennis Grantino Sibuea and Monray Sibarani (a narcotics case), Tambunan Rebana Mardova Lubis, Janter Hot Marihot Panggabean and Laurensus Sitorus (the three cases of theft), and Jumadi Tambunan (a statement from the Narcotics Satres). The police immediately gave chase. The Toba Police Operations Team managed to arrest two prisoners who escaped on behalf of Tambou Mardova Lubis and Monray Sibarani. Then on the same day at 15.20 WIB, two other detainees on behalf of Dennis Grantikno Sibuea and Jumadi Tambunan were arrested by Toba Police Criminal Investigation Unit personnel. During the arrest, the police were forced to shoot the legs of both detainees for trying to resist when they were about to be arrested. Furthermore, in the early hours of Thursday at 02.15 WIB, the Toba Police Opsnal Team in collaboration with the community managed to arrest another prisoner who escaped while crossing his road to his house in Hutaraja Hansundutan Village, North Tapanuli Regency. The prisoner who was arrested was on behalf of Janter Hot Marihot Panggabean who was involved in the theft case.

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