
JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab was officially detained at Polda Metro Jaya since early this morning for 20 days. Responding to this, the Deputy Chief of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood, Novel Bamukmin, said that Rizieq's detention proved that law enforcement was arbitrary.

"If it is not wrongdoing, it is not this regime. Everyone understands. Talking about what is called law, in this regime it is the law at will," Novel told reporters, Sunday, December 13.

Novel asked Polda Metro Jaya to immediately release Rizieq. Because, according to him, there are no articles that can ensnare Rizieq so that he is threatened with imprisonment.

"We ask the Polda Metro Jaya to immediately release Habib Rizieq because legal experts say that the law on quarantine does not fall within the scope of crowds," he said.

"According to a legal expert in the same class as Yusril Ihza Mahendra, he said that violators of the PSBB could not be charged with punishment and the highest penalty was a fine," he continued.

Previously, FPI lawyer Aziz Yanuar also suspected that there was an attempt by the police to directly target Rizieq Shihab in order to impose a criminal offense against the FPI leader.

According to Aziz, initially the police used Article 93 concerning the Health Quarantine Law in conjunction with Article 9 of the Criminal Code against alleged violations of health protocols during the Prophet's birthday and marriage in Petamburan.

The following week, there was an investigation warrant (sprindik) with Rizieq Shihab as the reported using an additional article, namely Article 160 of the Criminal Code regarding incitement to crowds.

"We are surprised to receive the threat of Article 160 with the addition of the incident in Tebet. From legal analysis, we suspect this is clearly targeting Habib Rizieq. Maybe the first shot (of the crowd in Petamburan) failed because it was deemed inappropriate. Based on the information requested for clarification, it stated that the direction was looks far from Habib Rizieq. Hence, this is clearly targeting Habib Rizieq in the second process, "he added.

As is well known, the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab was detained at the detention center of the Jakarta Police's Directorate of Narcotics in a case of suspected health protocol violations.

He immediately entered the detention center without re-explaining the legal discrimination he meant. Rizieq will serve a 20-day detention period from December 12 to December 31.

In this case, Polda Metro Jaya has named Habib Rizieq a suspect in the alleged violation of the health protocol. In addition, there were five other people who were also named suspects in the alleged violation of protocol at Habib Rizieq's celebration.

Rizieq had scheduled his questioning twice by Polda Metro Jaya. However, at that time he did not come to answer the summons on the grounds of restoring health.

He was charged under Articles 160 and 216 of the Criminal Code. Article 160 of the Criminal Code concerning Incitement to Violence and Not Complying with the provisions of the law, with the threat of six years imprisonment or a fine of IDR 4,500.

Meanwhile, Article 216 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning Obstacles to Legal Provisions. The threat is imprisonment for four months and two weeks or a fine of Rp. 9,000.

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