
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) Dr Seto Mulyadi or more familiarly called Kak Seto said the commemoration of World Children's Day which is commemorated every November 20 reminded the importance of fulfilling children's rights.

"It needs to be a common concern that there are four basic rights for children that must be fulfilled," said Seto Mulyadi, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 20.

The four basic rights, he said, include the right to life, the right to growth and development, the right to protection and the right to participate.

Kak Seto explained that the right to life can mean that a child gets good care and health.

The right to grow and develop can mean that children have the right to play, learn, get love and education and various other things that support growth and development according to their age.

Then, the right to protection can be interpreted that children as vulnerable groups have received the best protection, so that children are protected from various acts of violence.

Meanwhile, the right to participate is the right of children to be able to participate and be heard by their voices in various development programs related to empowerment and child protection.

Kak Seto hopes that the commemoration of World Children's Day will remind parents and other stakeholders regarding the importance of fulfilling children's rights in order to form a golden and quality generation.

"World Children's Day is the right moment to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of fulfilling children's rights," he said.

The Indonesian Child Protection Agency, he said, invited all parties to uphold children's rights.

He also added that in the context of World Children's Day, the Indonesian Child Protection Agency held the Indonesian Children's Congress which will be held on November 25-27, 2022.

This activity, he said, would be attended by children from various provinces in Indonesia both offline and online.

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