
JAKARTA - The Precision Pioneer Patrol Team (TPPP) of the East Jakarta Metro Police arrested as many as 10 teenagers who wanted to fight in the Cakung area, on Sunday morning at around 03.30 WIB. Cakung Police Chief Kompol Syarifah Chaira Sukma said the teenagers were arrested on the side of the eastern side of the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR), Cakung. "Yes, we have received 10 teenagers who were secured by the Precision Pioneer Patrol Team in the Buaran Gowok Village area, Jalan Sisi Tol Timur, Cakung on Sunday morning," said Syarifah Chaira in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, November 20. Syarifah added that currently, her party is still conducting intensive examinations of 10 teenagers who were arrested by the TPPP because they want to carry out this brawl. " “ Currently, the examination is still being carried out, yes, for the evidence it is a sharp weapon of the one-barrel samurai type and we are still investigating who and who carried the knife," said Syarifah. He said his party prioritized coaching of these teenagers by inviting their respective parents. "Of course we prioritize first to position this case with coaching, namely by involving the environment, schools and parents," said Syarifah. However, Syarifah said that for teenagers who are arrested with sharp weapons, a applicable legal process will be carried out. "Specifically for those who carry sharp weapons, we will carry out the legal process," said Syarifah. Syarifah added that the carrier of the knife without permission violated Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 with a threat of 10 years in prison.

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