
JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono followed the convoy of electric motorcycles "Electric Vehicle Fund" which was held from DKI Jakarta City Hall to the HI Roundabout area, Central Jakarta.

Heru revealed that the use of electric-based vehicles by the community is more beneficial because it is emission-free and non-noisy.

"This electric vehicle has not made a sound. At night, I want to walk at night, I want to check the field, don't disturb the neighbors. So, it's not noisy," Heru said on Sunday, November 20.

In addition, electric vehicles also do not require oil replacement. This also has a positive impact on the government, namely there is no need to deal with environmental pollution due to residual oil.

In Jakarta, continued Heru, electric vehicles are also free to cross the streets at all times because they are not affected by odd-even.

Along with this, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is transforming the use of electric-based vehicles starting from public transportation modes such as Transjakarta electric buses and official vehicles.

"Of course we have done this to public transportation, such as Transjakarta, and this is gradually converted. Then for the (vehicle) we have just purchased an electric vehicle which has been programmed for the past two years. We can start from a service vehicle (agar) it is easier, because it can be budgeted," explained Heru.

In addition, Heru emphasized that he would continue to strengthen coordination for cooperation with relevant stakeholders, especially the three Ministries mentioned above. The comprehensive preparation is carried out in order to prepare various things related to the mass use of electric-based vehicles.

"It's just a vehicle to clean up, it's just a matter of coordinating with the Ministry of Transportation. We are trying to support PLN programs that have a surplus on electricity," he said.

The convoy at the Electric Vehicle Fund was also attended by Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif, Presidential Chief of Staff General (ret) Moeldoko, and Head of Traffic Police Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi.

Meanwhile, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi explained that his party would promote electric vehicles, especially two-wheelers, for 4 weeks from now. This is a matter of pride because these vehicles do not leave emissions, and gradually reduce dependence on the use of fossil fuels.

"Ideally we can irrit (fuel) 70 percent, subs and fossil fuels can, one more subsidy, namely clean energy. This is because it can be diverted to electricity. We tried to convert used cars last year with a total vehicle of 120 million units and a tendency to continue to rise," said Budi.

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