
Lake Toba is a super priority tourist destination set by the government together with Mandika (NTB), Bodobudur (Central Java), Likupang (Sulut), and Labauan bajo (NTT). As a form of contribution to overcome waste problems in tourist destinations, PTPN III provides integrated waste management programs.

Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero) together with nine other SOEs, supports the development of a super priority tourism destination (DPSP), Lake Toba. This contribution is provided through an integrated waste management program that has been implemented since early October 2022.

President Director of Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero) Mohammad Abdul Ghani, said the activity was a form of PTPN III (Persero) contribution through the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL) in supporting the development of Lake Toba tourist objects which have been designated as one of the five national DPSPs.

"We believe that if the waste is managed properly, it will provide many benefits, both in terms of cleanliness, health, and economically for the community," said Abdul Ghani in Jakarta, recently.

In its implementation, this integrated waste management program also cooperates with the Indah Asri and Serasi (IAS) Toba Main Waste Bank (BSI). Meanwhile, activities carried out include assistance in the provision of waste treatment sites, the provision of pipelined trash cans, the creation of waste management innovation applications, socialization of waste processing to the community, assistance of waste management activities and integration, and food security.

Abdul Ghani said that this joint collaboration between SOEs is an annual routine agenda coordinated directly by the Ministry of SOEs. "This activity aims to provide the maximum benefit for the community, as well as support the government's efforts to increase Indonesian tourism," he said.

Abdul Ghani believes that with the synergy of SOEs, the benefits felt by the community will be greater. "It is hoped that this collaboration program can help to eliminate obstacles that have been experienced by waste management in the Lake Toba area, and can create another added value," he said.

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