
JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that the floods that occurred in Bireuen Regency, Aceh, claimed two lives.

The results of the assessment of the BPBD team of Bireuen Regency, one victim died due to being swept away by flood currents and another died due to being electrocuted by electricity, said Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in a written statement received, Saturday, November 19. The two victims have been evacuated by the BPBD team of Bireuen Regency. The flood that occurred after high-intensity rain which took place since 03.40 WIB submerged 19 gampongs in Makmur District with a water level of 20-50 centimeters. The details of the affected gampong areas include Bland Dalam, Pandak, Mon Ara, Ulee Gle, Blang Mane, Mereubo, Matang Kumbang, Blang Perlak, Panton Mesjid, Sukarame, Lepehan Masjid, Blang Kuthang, Cot Kruet, Buket Selamat, Tringgadeng, Leubu Mesjid, West Kuta, Leubu Cot and Leubu Me.

The latest report from BPBD Bireuen Regency, the flood gradually receded in Ulee Gle Gampong. However, rain with light to heavy intensity which can be accompanied by lightning still has the potential to occur in the Bireuen Regency area until Monday (21/11), according to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) appealed to all elements of the local government and the community to anticipate potential aftershocks that can be triggered by extreme weather phenomena. "Efforts such as monitoring river conditions, cleaning up garbage and other materials that can clog water flow, monitoring the condition of embankments, roads and bridges to monitoring water discharge when heavy rains occur are recommended to be carried out regularly," said Abdul. In order to increase preparedness to face potential aftershocks, people along the river flow should evacuate independently in case of continuous rain with high intensity for more than an hour.

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