
SUNGAILAT - The Commander of the Sungailiat Navy Post, Bangka Belitung, Assistant Lieutenant Satu Darsidi, said that there was a shortage of personnel in maintaining marine security in his area. For this reason, he invited the fishermen to play an active role in helping the Indonesian Navy.

Fishermen and stakeholders are expected to participate in maintaining security and order in the marine waters of their region for the preservation of maritime resources in Indonesia.

"With limited personnel, the role of fishermen and stakeholders is very much needed to jointly build maritime affairs for the benefit of welfare," Darsidi said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, November 19.

He said fishermen have an important role in helping to maintain security and order at sea, such as not committing violations of the law and submitting reports if they know there are threats of alleged violations of the law.

According to him, although the Bangka sea waters are generally relatively safe, the prevention of fishing positions is quite strategic because at any time their activities are at sea.

"In addition to improving and inviting fishermen to play a role in maintaining marine security, we also strengthen synergies with various related parties such as Satpolair, harbormaster and port authority agencies," he explained.

He is optimistic that the persuasive continuous approach taken by his party by providing education to fishermen will in the future build awareness of the fishermen to obey the law.

It was recorded that more than 500 units of fishing vessels docked at the Fisheries port and at the Air Kantung pier with an average ship capacity of less than 10 gross tons.

The types of fishing gear used by fishermen include fishing gear, payang, washed nets, fixed nets, mini solareseine and bubu fishing gear.

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