
CIANJUR - Cianjur Police, West Java has imposed strict fire on the spot for motorized gangs that make them restless and disturb the security and comfort of residents. This decisive action is especially given to perpetrators who threaten the safety of others. Cianjur Police Chief AKBP Doni Hermawan said that during the last few days his party had received reports of motorized gangs disturbing residents on a number of main roads in Cianjur. Prevention efforts have been carried out in various ways, such as increasing patrols. "Large-scale patrols are held randomly every day, including involving the ranks of the supporting police, as an effort to suppress the actions of motorized gangs which were reported to be troubling residents in the Cianjur city area," he said in Cianjur, Antara, Thursday, November 17. His party has long ago gathered motorized group administrators to motorized gangs who have agreed to disperse if their members make unrest or threaten the safety of residents and officers in Cianjur. Strict action on the spot will be given to members of motorized gangs who cause trouble, especially threatens the safety of their lives, so that the deterrent effect will be carried out by officers in a measured manner if they find a gang that throws tantrums. "Large patrols will also be held every weekend, in order to narrow the space for motorized gangs in Cianjur. We ask that there be no more motorized gangs in Cianjur, so that the situation and conditions in Cianjur remain conducive, especially at night," he said. Doni appealed to residents throughout the Cianjur area to immediately report if they found activities of motorized gangs that were troubling so that they could be dealt with immediately. "Immediately report so that we follow up, don't take the law into our own hands," he said.

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