
JAKARTA - The Jakarta SAR Office deployed a rescue team to assist in the search for an elderly victim named Samlawi (70) who had drowned in the Cimanceuri River, Kronjo District, Tangerang Regency, Banten. The victim has been missing since last Wednesday, November 16.

The rescue assistance was carried out after the Jakarta SAR Office received a report on the search for drowning victims from the Kronjo Police.

"We and the joint SAR team from Wednesday night have made efforts to search for victims. However, until Thursday, November 17, night, the search was still nil because the situation in the field was minimal in light. The search will also be expanded," said Head of the Jakarta SAR Office as SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) in the SAR operation, Fazzli when confirmed, Thursday, November 17, evening.

The search is divided into 3 areas. The first team will conduct a sweep along the Cimanceuri River using a rubber boat up to a radius of 5 KM. The second team will conduct a search by sweeping by land along the banks of the Cimanceuri River up to a radius of 3 KM.

The third team will conduct a search using Aqua Eye and Underwater Searching Device to detect underwater objects.

"Then dives will be carried out if conditions are possible with a radius of 10 meters and a depth of 3 to 4 meters," he said.

The joint SAR operations involved in the search were the Jakarta SAR Office, Kronjo Police, Sat Pol PP Kronjo District, KODIM 0510 Tangerang, Koramil 08 Kronjo, BPBD Tangerang Regency and the community.

Previously, it was reported that the elderly man named Sampani (65) was reported to have drowned in the Cimanceuri River, Kronjo, Tangerang Regency. Personnel from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Tangerang Regency conducted a search.

Tangerang Regency BPBD Emergency and Logistics Head Abdul Munir said the incident occurred on Wednesday, November 16, at 17.30 WIB.

Abdul Munir said, the victim at the time of the incident was with his wife on the edge of the Cimanceuri river. At that time it was raining in the area.

Then, the victim's wife went to the pulse shop because there was a buyer. Shortly thereafter, when his wife returned to the riverbank, he did not see the husband's whereabouts.

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