The Public Prosecutor's Team of the Corruption Eradication Commission demanded Amri, the defendant in the alleged bribery of the Mayor of Ambon 2017-2022 Richard Louhenapessy for Rp500 million for the management of the establishment of 70 Alfamidi outlets, for 2 years and 6 months in prison.
"The defendant was guilty of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter B in conjunction with Article 18 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption, in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code," said the coordinator of the KPK prosecutor team Taufiq Nugroho in Ambon, Antara, Thursday, November 17.
The charges were read out in a trial led by the Chief Justice of the Ambon Corruption Court, Nanang Zulkarnaen Faizal, accompanied by Wilson Tujuver and Anthonius Sampe Sammine as member judges. The defendant was also required to pay a fine of Rp. 100 million, subsidiary to four months in prison.
Amri, who is also a lawyer, was trusted by witnesses Wahyu Sumantri, Muslimin and a number of other witnesses from PT Midi Utama Indonesia to take care of the permit to open 70 Alfamidi outlets in Ambon City in 2019.
During the process of obtaining the principle permit, the defendant contacted witness Andrew Hehanusa (in a separate BAP).
Defendant Amri also gave his gratitude for Andrew's services amounting to Rp. 10 million, Rp. 5 million, and Rp. 3 million, then transferring Rp. 1.3 billion for the processing of a principle permit in order to build 70 Alfamidi outlets.
According to the prosecutor's team, then on April 9, 2020, the defendant transferred Rp250 million to witness Richard Louhenapessy (in a separate BAP) through the account numbers of witness Andrew and another Rp250 million transferred on April 14, 2020.
"On April 9, 2022, witness Andrew sent a short message to Richard that there had been news from Amri, then witness Andrew disbursed Rp250 million which was transferred by the defendant at BCA," explained the prosecutor's team.
Witness Andrew then transferred another Rp50 million to Richard's account and the remaining Rp200 million was handed over in cash to Richard at the Ambon Mayor's office.
Then for the second transfer on April 14, 2022, amounting to Rp250 million, witness Andrew disbursed it and deposited Rp75 million into Richard's account and the remaining Rp175 million was handed over directly.
The Rp500 million that was transferred twice by the defendant was later said to lease land in Kusu-Kusu Sere Hamlet, Urimesing Country, Nusaniwe District (Ambon City), for outlets and swallow nests.
The land was rented from the brother of witness Andrew named Miron Kelfred Hehanusa, but the money was returned to the defendant through his account amounting to Rp450 million when Richard's case was handled by the KPK.
The panel of judges postponed the trial until next week with the agenda of hearing the defendant's defense through his legal adviser, Basri.
Basri also said that his client was not an employee of PT Alfamidi, but only a second party whose services were used to apply for the principle permit for the establishment of Alfamidi outlets in Ambon City.
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