
PANDEGLANG FN (16), a teenager from Kadu Jakung Village, Banjar Village, Banjar District, Pandeglang Regency, was found lifeless on the edge of Paradis Carita Beach. Information from the community, victims were swept away by the current on Belmun Beach in Carita Village, since Tuesday, November 15, at around 12.30 WIB.

"We found the victim after searching for more than 24 hours on Carita Beach," said Carita Police Chief Iptu Darsiti.

After FN was found, the victim was taken to the Carita Health Center for a medical examination.

"The results of the examination from the victim's nose came out of red liquid, allegedly in the form of blood, right and left calf skin removed, the victim was already dead," Darsiti explained in a written statement, Thursday, November 17.

Until now, FN's body has been handed over to the family for burial.

"The victim was handed over to the family for burial," Darsiti concluded.

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