
JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) will oversee the report of cases of alleged criminal reporting of lies or hoaxes against Kamaruddin Simanjuntak and Deolipa Yumara. The handling of the case seemed to be without any progress

"Kompolnas will monitor it. We will immediately coordinate both formal and informal to the National Police," said Kompolnas Commissioner Yusuf Warsyim, when confirmed, Thursday, November 17.

The case reported by the Head of the Anti-Hoax Advocate Alliance (A3H), Zakirudin Chaniago, was several times carried or transferred from Bareskrim Polri to Polda Metro Jaya, or vice versa.

It started when Zakirudin reported Kamaruddin and Deolipa to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police with the report number LP/B/0495/VIII/2022/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri, dated August 31, 2022.

The two reported parties are suspected of violating Article 14 and Article 15 of Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning criminal law regulations, false news.

The handling of the report was then transferred to the Polda Metro Jaya according to the Kabareskrim Letter Number B/10076/IX/RES.7.4/2022/Bareskrim, dated September 29, 2022.

One month later, the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Police again handed over its handling to the Criminal Investigation Unit according to letter Number B/15732/X/RES.7.4/2022/Bareskrim dated October 31, 2022.

In fact, at this time, Bareskrim has handed over the handling of the report to the Metro Police according to Number B/11687/XI/RES.7.4/2022/Bareskrim, dated November 14, 2022.

In fact, Zakirudin as the reporter has received a notification letter on the progress of the investigation results (SP2HP) from the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, regarding September 27, 2022.

Because the report seemed to be being carried, Yusuf said he was willing to accept an audience from the reporter. The goal is to know the situation so that it can be followed up by the Police

"If there is a request for an audience, the time will be arranged in advance. In principle, it is accepted," said Yusuf.

Deolipa and Kamaruddin Simanjuntak were policed by A3H to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

For Deolipa, it was reported that the former Bharada E lawyer stated that Putri Candrawathi was caught by Brigadier J having an intimate relationship with the family driver, Strong Ma'ruf.

In addition, Deolipa was also reported for his statement that Ferdy Sambo was a psychopath and an LGBT.

"All statements are hoaxes because they are not accompanied by valid evidence and facts of Deolipa's statement, causing uproar, trouble and slander among the people of Indonesia," said Chairman of the Anti Hoax Advocate Alliance, Zakirudin.

Meanwhile, Kamaruddin was reported for having conveyed an incision wound on Brigadier J's body.

In fact, from the results of the re-autopsy and tissue examination, only five gunshot wounds were found on Brigadier J's body.

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