
TORAJA - Babinsa Koramil 1414-03 Rindingallo, Serda Amiruddin, is still not found after being swept away by the current of the Maiting River in South Sulawesi (Sulsel) on Wednesday 9 November.

Commander of Kodim 1414/Tana Toraja Lt. Col. Infantry Monfi Chandra said his party was continuing the search even though the Basarnas and BPBD teams had officially stopped the search operation on Tuesday 15 November.

"We are continuing the search process. Because this is a form of our togetherness in the TNI institution," said Monfi when confirmed, Wednesday, November 16.

Kodim 1414/Tana Toraja conducted a search for victims assisted by the local community. Monfi hopes to find his subordinates who are missing in the river, precisely in Rindingallo District, North Toraja Regency.

"We will rest for a while for three days according to the direction of traditional leaders and community leaders. We have also coordinated with search figures to continue. Let's pray together that we will be found soon," he said.

Previously, the joint team had searched for victims about 20 kilometers from the point where Second Sergeant Amiruddin was first reported missing on Wednesday 9 November. However, the victim has not been found.

Initially, Serda Amiruddin was swept away by the strong current of the Maating River while trying to find Palulungan which was also carried by the local river on Tuesday, November 8. Since the operation period was opened for up to seven days, the victim has not been found.

Palungan was found and has been evacuated, but is dead. The search for victims even arrived at the location of the Ma'dong turbine area, Denpina District about 25 kilometers from the scene, and even a traditional ceremony was carried out, but it was not found.

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