
SOUTH Sulawesi - Landslides and floods hit the Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). The accident resulted in two deaths and two others missing.

Head of the Public Relations Section of the Gowa Police, Adjunct Commissioner Hasan Fadh, said that the flood disaster was caused by overflowing river water on Wednesday, November 16 at around 18.00 WITA.

"According to the information we got, two residents have died and two are still being searched for as a result of the incident," Hasan said when confirmed, Wednesday, November 17 evening.

The landslides and overflowing water occurred at two points on Jalan Poros Malino, namely Kilometer 62, Kampung Borong Sapiri, Hamlet Bontoloe and Kilometer 58, Kampung Kunyika, Galesong Hamlet, Lonjoboko Village, Parangloe District.

The landslides and mud, he continued, came from the hills around the location of the very steep incident and the soil structure was unstable.

This natural disaster also caused the Malino Poros road or the Parangloe and Tinggimoncong sub-districts to be completely closed.

The accident in the two locations was caused by recent high rainfall in the Gowa Regency and its surroundings, especially in Parangloe District.

Two residents who were declared dead in two different locations, namely Nuraeni (47) while crossing the highway were dragged by landslide material with their car and fell into a ravine. The victim drove a vehicle with three family members on Jalan Poros Malino, Lonjoboko Village, Parangloe District.

Furthermore, Sunaria (39), a local resident in Borong Sapiri Dusun Bontoloe, Parangloe District, also became a victim of landslide material.

In addition, based on temporary data, there are five units of residents' houses and three cars damaged by landslides.

AKP Hasan added, the overflow of the Balang Malino river rose to the Lebong Bridge, Lebong Village, Bontoloe Hamlet, Lonjoboko Village. Likewise, the Rakikang River, in Bontojai Hamlet, Borisallo Village, Parangloe District, also overflowed and overflowed into people's homes.

"The victims were found safe while in the car when there were two landslides, namely Cindy Regina Putri (17), and Kahar (47). While they are still in the search stage, namely Dg Ngaseng (local residents) and Jumriah (37), car passengers," he said.

Until now, the joint team is still evacuating from the Parangloe Police and related agencies as well as the community who are struggling to carry out the search for victims who have not been found in the incident.

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