
PAPUA - Director of Crime at the Papua Police, Kombes Faizal Rahmadani, stated that his party is still looking for Joni, an employee of PT FMB who has been missing since the riots in Dogiyai, last Saturday, November 12. The search is still being carried out because the report reveals that only Joni has not been found. Meanwhile, his other colleagues have been found safe. "Indeed, the search is still being carried out and we hope it can be found soon," said Kombes Faizal in Jayapura, Antara, Wednesday, November 16. The riot incident which began with a traffic accident that killed Noldi Goo, the five-year-old boy, occurred in Ikebo Village, Kamu District, Dogiyai Regency. As a result of the incident caused 121 buildings to be burned down, including six offices belonging to the Dogiyai Regional Government, 20 motorbikes, two trucks, and one excavator. One person died and was injured during the riot, namely one Iqbal (29), three people were injured, and four members of the National Police were hit by arrows. When asked about residents who fled to Nabire, Kombes Faizal said as many as 465 people fled to various places including Nabire. "Most of the displaced residents are children and women, while adult men are still in Dogiyai guarding their property," said Kombes Faizal, who admitted that he was still in Dogiyai.

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