
Heavy rain followed by strong winds for less than a week caused a number of trees in Agam Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) to fall. Today the impact of extreme weather occurred in Jorong Lubuak Gadang, Palembayan District.

As a result of the fallen tree, the provincial road connects Matur District to Salareh Aia, Palembayan District, which has been cut off since 12.00 WIB. Two and four-wheeled vehicles are certainly unable to pass through the route. "The traffic flow has been temporarily disrupted, because the road is covered by tree material," said the Head of the Agam Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Bambang Warsito in Lubukbasung, Agam, West Sumatra, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 16.

Bambang said the power cable at the scene was also hit by a fallen tree.

The same incident was experienced by residents of Jorong Bamban, Palembayan District. One fallen tree is now being evacuated by officers. "We have deployed a Task Force (Satgas) to clean up the tree material," he added.

Apart from Palembayan District, high rainfall caused trees to collapse in Sangkia, Nagari Preparation for Sangkia, Lubukbasung District.

Extreme weather in the form of heavy rain in Agam Regency really needs to be watched out for. Previously, fallen trees due to high legal intensity occurred in Kelok 42 Jorong Kuok III Koto, Nagari Matua Mudiak, Matua District. After that, fallen trees occurred in the Pakak Village, Jorong Kampuang Pisang, Ampekko District. "The fallen tree material has been cleared, so that the traffic flow returns to normal from Lubukbasung to Bukittinggi," he said. Bambang appealed to motorists to increase their vigilance when passing through hilly areas and around trees, so as not to become victims.

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