
JAKARTA - Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the upcoming 2024 United States Presidential Election, ahead of other Republican candidates.

Trump made this announcement at his private residence, his Mar-a-Lago in Florida, a week after Republicans failed to win as many Congressional seats targeted in last week's election.

He delivered this in a speech for more than an hour before hundreds of his supporters, and broadcast live on US television.

"To make America great again, tonight I announce my candidacy as president of the United States," Trump told a cheering crowd, including family members, donors and former staff.

On the same day, Donald Trump's team also submitted documents to the US Federal Election Commission regarding the formation of the "Donald J. Trump for President 2024" committee.

In his announcement, Trump also criticized President Joe Biden's administration again, repeating his achievements as president in the previous period.

"Two years ago we were a great nation and soon we will become a great nation again," he exclaimed.

Interestingly, Trump on this occasion did not reiterated his claims about voter fraud in the 2020 elections, as well as the anarchist actions of his supporters who attacked Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021.

However, there is a long way before Republican candidates are officially elected in the summer of 2024, with the first state-level contest in more than a year.

Trump's announcement came earlier than usual, signaling his interest in minimizing other potential competitors such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis or his former vice president Mike Pence.

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