
JAMBI - The Jambi District Attorney together with the local Attorney General's Office carried out the execution or forced arrest of a convicted person in a tax embezzlement case worth Rp. 5 billion after the person concerned underwent a review hearing at the Jambi District Court today. Jambi Chief Prosecutor Fajar Rudi Manurung accompanied by Jambi Attorney General's Intelligence Assistant Jufri said Andy Veryanto was arrested because he never wanted to come to serve his sentence for a case that had been decided by the Supreme Court with a sentence of one year in prison. "Today, Andy came to attend the PK trial (reconsideration) which was submitted at the Jambi District Court and after undergoing the trial, we immediately executed him to serve the Supreme Court's cassation sentence," said Rudi as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 15. The PK trial which took place in one of the Jambi District Court courtrooms was completed at around 15.30 WIB and at that time the convict was immediately executed by a team of prosecutors who were already waiting. The prosecutor's office explained that previously the convict Andy Veryanto had been summoned three times in a row and properly, but did not come without valid information. In the tax case, Andy Veryanto as Director of PT Putra Indragiri Sukses (PIS) who manages diesel fuel oil (BBM) has been proven to have embezzled more than Rp5 billion from May to December 2018. In the decision of the Supreme Court Number 1145 K/Pid.Sus/2022. Rudi Manurung explained that the chronology of the arrests took place at the Jambi District Court when Andy Veryanto finished undergoing the PK trial for his criminal case committed by the Jambi Prosecutor's Office, which was fully assisted by the Jambi Attorney General's Office. Kasi Pidsus Jambi Kejari Yayi Dita Nirmala added that the convict Andy Veryanto was immediately detained at the Telanaipura Police Station after a health test and was free of COVID-19. Meanwhile, Akurdianto as the convict's attorney, Andy Veryanto, said that the prosecutor should not have carried out forced executions of his client because he is currently still in the process of being tried by the PK on his case. "We will file an objection to the AGO for the execution carried out by the prosecutor because it is inhumane and seems to force or seize people's rights," he said. Andy's legal team initially asked the prosecutor to have his client go through the PK trial first, but the request was not fulfilled. "In addition, based on the Supreme Court's decision letter on the cassation of the convict Andy Veryanto, he was sentenced to one year in prison and there was no order to be detained, so we carried out the PK process at the Jambi District Court," he said.

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