
JAKARTA Residents of Tugu, Koja, North Jakarta were shocked by the discovery of the body of a 29-year-old woman in a rented house. Police officers who received the report immediately went to the location to conduct an examination of the crime scene (TKP).

The Chief of the Sector Police (Kapolsek) Koja Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police (AKP) Anak Agung Putra Dwipayana said that his party would conduct an investigation to reveal the facts of the victim's death. Until now, the body has been taken to the Police Hospital, Kramat Jati for post-mortem.

"The doctor will explain later. His body has just shifted to the Kramat Jati (Police Hospital). The results of the post-mortem and autopsy have not yet been released," Putra told reporters in North Jakarta, Tuesday, November 15.

Putra also said that the condition of the woman's body was already stiff and swollen when someone who declared her husband was found.

"The victim was a housewife, the situation was swollen. We saw no signs of violence," he said.

But, Putra continued, the more specific results will be from the forensic doctor who will convey the estimated time of death of the victim and the cause of death.

Putra added that his party had installed a police line in the rented room in North Tugu, Koja, North Jakarta, to secure the scene of the incident.

According to him, the woman's husband first broke down the door of the rented room from outside so that she could open and find the body of his wife.

"When it was broken down, the victim was already dead," said Putra.

In addition, three other witnesses have been questioned by the police to investigate the incident where the woman's body was found, including the Head of the Neighborhood Association (RT), the owner of the rented house and residents around the scene.

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